WordPress Courses

As one of the leading WordPress training institutes in Coimbatore, we offer specialized training to the students who are looking forward to starting their career in Website development using WordPress. WordPress was created with PHP and is an open source platform. WordPress is one of the most famous CMS on the market and it is a platform for millions of web pages. WordPress training in Coimbatore provided by our ProPlus AcaDemy will enhance your skills and help you to reach your professional goals.
What is WordPress?
WordPress has been created by a community of developers and contributors, as a free open-source Web publishing application, Content Management System (CMS) and Blogging tool. Word press enables the user to create a dynamic website that can be customized and updated from backend without much coding knowledge. WordPress is integrated with various features and tools used to design and develop websites that can be modified easily.
WordPress provides developers with useful features that include easily customized website code and SEO friendly tagging and internal links. It also helps to easily implement plug-ins, third-party theme, and widgets.
What Does a WordPress Developer Do?
WordPress developer uses a WordPress platform to develop a website that suits the business needs and caters to the audience with different plug-ins. WordPress developer’s possess advanced skills in CMS coding , other plug-in and tools. In addition to customizing websites, WordPress developers manage the design of the website. They can duplicate sites according to the preferences by using templates. WordPress developers can also use custom codes to create tools and widgets.
Why Learning WordPress is Important?
- Easy to use.
- Can use third-party theme and plug-ins.
- SEO friendly.
- Can be customized, modified and updated without the need of coding.
- Used as the best blogging tool.
- The vast number of widgets, plug-ins, theme are available.
Many startups are building their website on WordPress because they are easy, doesn’t need much coding knowledge and can be easily updated and modified. As of today, companies are looking for skilled WordPress developers who can create an attractive website that attracts more audience. As a result, the demand for WordPress developers in on the rise.
We Are The Best WordPress Training Institute in Coimbatore
WordPress is said to be the most commonly used blog software which helps to introduce additional features to meet the increasing demand for popular blogs. More than 23% of the top organization uses WordPress. As of 2018, there are 172 million websites is running in WordPress.
For the next few years, there will a thriving demand for WordPress and WordPress developers. It turns out to be the best CMS friendly platform, therefore in the growing IT sector. WordPress professionals have a huge demand. Here at ProPlus Academy, we offer WordPress course that covers everything from the composition of the post to its publication on their website. Learn from the basic to advance level of WordPress and build your own website.
We ensure that Our WordPress training improves the applicant’s industry value in web development, and make them ready to face the real-world challenges in the web development industry. As one of the top-notch WordPress training institute, we provide excellent and dedicated training in WordPress and web development.
At the end of WordPress course students are equipped with high knowledge in WordPress that will take their web development career to the next level. We offer practical training, that will enable you to become an expert in CMS development and to use the web application in an effective way.
Key Benefits of Learning in ProPlus Academy

All our classes are handled by an experienced domain expert who have many years of working knowledge in WordPress and worked for many Companies.

Balance your work with life and learn the most effective strategies from WordPress training Institute. We offer flexible timing classes catered to the student’s needs..

Technologies are developing day by day its necessary to be up-to-date in the field of web development. We design and update the curriculum frequently, that is based on the latest technology and current industrial trend.

Our WordPress training provides 100% practical classes for the students. We firmly believe practical classes only can improve the skills and understand the concepts clearly rather than theory classes.

At the end of the training, we will place you to work on a live project that will help you to understand and enhance your skills.

We offer 100% guaranteed job placement for the students who finished the course. We have partnered with many top MNC’s and organization, so getting the job is an easy task.